Our Team
Graduate Student
Ed is a 6th year PhD student who is interested in machine learning, networks and geometry. He enjoys kung fu novels and very spicy cuisines.
Postdoctoral Associate
Maoran grew up in Shanghai, CN. She got a B.S. in mathematics from Fudan University and a Ph.D. in statistics from the University of Florida. Her passion lies in Bayesian methods and computational algorithms in cutting-edge dimension reduction techniques.
Postdoctoral Associate
Miheer works on methods to fit likelihood-based models under misspecification. Miheer has expertise in probability theory (Stochastic processes and Large Deviation theory) and theoretical statistics (Clustering and Covariance estimation problems).
Graduate Student
Glenn is a 3rd year PhD student interested in Bayesian methods and (all types of) applications, with a current focus on longitudinal public health data. His path to statistics included stops in physics, computer science, and education, and he likes backpacking and ping pong.
Graduate Student
Alexander Dombowsky is a fourth year PhD student in the Department of Statistical Science at Duke University, and attained a BSc and MSc in Mathematics and Statistics from McGill University. He is primarily interested in Bayesian cluster analysis and its applications in settings with model misspecification and clustering dependence.
Postdoctoral Associate
Nico grew up in Milan (IT), where got a B.S. and a M.S. in Physics at the Univesity of Milan and a Ph.D. in Statistics at Bocconi University.
His research interests are in Bayesian Methods and Computation for High-dimensional Data, Latent Factor Models and Scalable Bayesian Computations.
Graduate Student
Braden comes from the mountains of the western U.S. and likes to complain about North Carolina’s apparent lack of winter (but actually really digs living here). His present aspirations as an inchoate statistician include prioritizing simplicity and interpretability, and writing better proofs.
Graduate Student
Cathy is a third year PhD student interested in spatial statistics and scalable methods for high dimensional multivariate outcome models with applications in ecology. In her free time, she enjoys doing Zumba and trying new recipes.
Graduate Student
Federica is a PhD student at University of Padova (IT). Her research interests include Bayesian methods and computation for high-dimensional data, latent feature models and dimensionality reduction. She loves skiing and hiking in her home mountains (Julian Alps).
Graduate Student
Jennifer is a fourth year PhD student interested in spatial and dynamic networks, and the incorporation of interaction effects into a joint species distribution framework. Jennifer is an active collaborator in the Helsinki-based biodiversity lab Lifeplan and additionally works on a number of ecological applications in collaboration with ecologists in the Nicholas School of the Environment.
Postdoctoral Scholar at UCLA, working with Dr. Marc Suchard.
Before completing his Ph. D. at Duke, Shounak completed his Bachelors and Master's degrees in Statistics from the Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata. He enjoys developing scalable and structured Bayesian approaches to answer questions from real-world data.
Postdoctoral Fellow for Dr. Abhirup Datta in the Department of Biostatistics at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Bora Jin earned a B.A. and an M.A. in Statistics from Korea University. Her research interests include Bayesian hierarchical methods and spatial modeling, with a focus on environmental applications.
Postdoctoral Researcher, Bocconi University
Dr. Yichen Zhu is current a postdoctoral researcher at Bocconi University, working on Bayesian nonparametrics. He loves mountaineering, video games and cats.
Quantitative Researcher at Chicago Trading Company
Tao Tang got his B.S. in Mathematics and Biology from Peking University. His research interests include applications of probabilistic and statistical methods in biology and physical science, particularly in Uncertainty Quantification and Bayesian methods.
Quantitative Researcher at Two Sigma
David completed his undergrad degree in Physics and Math at West Virginia University. At Duke he worked on methods for epidemiology and clustering.
Assistant Professor of Statistics at University of Florida
Georgia Papadogeorgou is an assistant professor at the Department of Statistics at the University of Florida. Her research focuses on causal inference and Bayesian methodology with applications in political science, environmental health, and ecology.